Connie Changelog

📦 January 16th, 2024

🗂️ Project Categories: Stay organised with our new feature, allowing you to create categories for projects.

⌨️ Project members can now manage projects they didn’t create themselves, provided they have “Manage Projects” permissions.

🥳 Happy New Year

Happy New Year everyone. Thanks for a wild 2023, where we launched V2 of Connie with a bunch of powerful document management features for Creators. We promise 2024 will be full of new exciting features. Thanks for the support 🙏🏻

📦 December 21st, 2023

🗑️ Delete Team Members: You can now remove team members from Connie, and automatically transfer projects and contracts to Team Owner.

📄 Duplicate Connie’s Templates: You can now also duplicate the document templates provided by Connie.

🇩🇰 Sign Page Localisation: The language on the signer interface (what your signers see when they sign a contract) will now be shown in Danish if the contract is in Danish and English if it’s in English. More languages will be added soon.

⏱️ Adjust the timeframe for the Expiring Contracts view.

📦 November 14th, 2023

🔐 Email notifications from Connie are now signed with a certificate, improving deliverability and ensuring your contracts are signed even faster.

☝🏼Reminders to sign: Connie now automatically reminds people to sign a pending contract, saving you the time to do it.

👩🏼‍💻 Transfer team ownership: No longer the boss? Well, we made it easy to hand over team ownership now.

📨 Easily edit email templates: We’ve improved your ability to edit and adapt all your default email messages.

🔍 Project Filtering & Search: Improved search and filtering of Projects

📦 October 31st, 2023

👀 Auto Reminders: Connie now reminds people to complete signup, if they haven’t done so after 2 days, and 5 days respectively ✅

☝🏼Manual Reminders: Now you can also send reminders to invited team members who forget to sign up

📦 October 26th, 2023

Drag& Drop Upload: Uploading photos of paper contracts or PDFs to Connie; well, not you can just drag and drop the file 🌁

Images in Contracts: Now you can insert images and photos directly into contracts and agreements, using our new Image Smart Tag 📸

📦 October 10th, 2023

Signing for Children: Major improvements in UX when issuing documents for minors 👨‍👩‍👦
– Public Sign Pages now handles signatures on behalf of Children / Minors
– More intuitive user experience when issuing individual documents
– In-document updating of smart tags to show “Signer name” for “Child name” when signing for a minor.

Educational Partnerships: Schools can now display their own terms and conditions for students to accept when logging in. 🏫

Page Break in Document Templates: New ability to create a “Page Break” in your templates. This is nifty for including addendums in your contracts/documents. 📝

Change Account Owner: Account Owners can now transfer account ownership under Settings/Users and then select “Make Account Owner” 👋🏽

Fix: Various bug fixes across the Admin Dashboard ✅

📦 September 21st, 2023

URL’s in PDF’s will now show as clickable hyperlinks 🔗

Fix: PDF downloads now work on Windows as well (.pdf added to file) ✅

Fix: Various small UX bugs weeded out across the interface ✅

📦 September 12th, 2023

Send Reminders implemented 👋🏽

You are now able to send reminders to people that haven't signed yet. Simply click “Send Reminder” in the single contact view.

Lost track of what you need to sign? We've got you covered🎗

When signed into connie, you'll now see “Sign Now” buttons on contracts that are awaiting your signature.

Document templates, delivered regularly! 🚚

Under “Contract Templates”, we'll be sharing a curated list of document templates. Look out for the “Shared by Connie” templates, which will receive regular updates from us.

📦 September 5th, 2023

Language versioning on Public Sign Pages 🇩🇰 🇬🇧 🇺🇸

Public sign pages now adapt to the language in the shown document – So if you create a sign page with a Danish consent form, the surrounding copy will be shown in Danish too… E.g. things like “Please Review & Sign”, “Sign Here” etc. will be translated. Currently we support English and Danish.

Emojis in PDF’s 🤘🏼

You are creators and that means you can be creative with your legal templates: Now emojis in your legal documents are also shown in the generated PDF’s

Schedule support calls directly from app ☎️

We are here to help, and now you can schedule support sessions directly from your Connie admin panel. Just click “Help”.

🚀 September 4th, 2023

Changelog born

We now have enough users that it makes sense to communicate changes.