The simple contract & consent platform for film, television & media professionals

Most Importantly:
Peace Of Mind

Complete eSign Platform

With Connie you get a fully digital eSign platform. No more need for paper contracts. No more lost contracts. Just a simple, digital workflow with eSign that everyone can use.

Fully GDPR Compliant

Connie is fully GDPR compliant. Our platform is designed using Privacy First Principles, fully hosted in EU and we continue to work on improving privacy and transparency for our users.

Our Bespoke Features

Our full eSign platform

Full eSign Platform.

With Connie you get a fully cloud-based eSign platform compliant with the European legislation for Simple Electronic Signatures (eIDAS). No more need for paper contracts. No more lost contracts. Just a simple, digital workflow with eSign that everyone can use.

Free Contract Templates.

We’ve looked at a lot of contract templates from the film industry and we’ve taken our time to create a collection of simple, standard templates that you an use to get started quickly.

Get signatures from many people at once

Public Sign Pages.

Oftentimes you need many people to sign the same contract or consent form. Maybe you’re filming at an event, maybe you engage with participants on the street, maybe you’re a social media influencer: In any case, our Public Sign Pages will save you so much time!

Get instant signatures on your contracts

Instant Signatures.

Film and television crews often have to film people they meet on the street. For that we have created Instant Signature, making it super easy to issue a contract right there on the spot, and get a participant to review and sign it, either on your device or their own.

Ask custom questions when issuing contracts

Ask Custom Questions.

The contract or consent form is just one part of engaging with participants and actors, because most times you need additional information from them. That’s where Custom Questions come in, enabling you to collect important information necessary to run a smooth production: Do you have special dietary needs? What’s your emergency contact? What shoe size do you have?

Get notified when contracts expire

Contract Expiry Reminders.

Nothing worse than forgetting to renew a contract is there? With Connie you can set expiry dates in the contracts you issue, and be sure to get a notification once a contract is about to expire.

Get people to upload a Selfie with their contracts

Participant Selfie Upload.

Ask participants to upload a photo of themselves as part of the signing process. Why is this clever? Well, ask you editor how may times they’ve struggled to identify someone in the footage.
Not to mention the struggle that comes with having to renew a model release without knowing who is who. All that is solved with our Upload Selfie Feature.

Easily issue contracts to children and minors

Contracts to Children.

Contracts and consent is extra complex when having children and young people on the set. We’ve solved that, with the ability to issue and manage contracts to participants under legal age. Contracts are automatically converted to require signatures and consent from one or more legal guardians.

Easily collaborate with your team

Team Collaboration.

Add team members as needed and control permissions on an individual level to keep privacy levels high. Decide what your users can do, and what projects they can access.

Invite freelancers and others to support you

Freelancers Welcome

The film and media industry is heavy on freelancers, and we’ve made it easy to invite a Freelance Project Manager or Freelance Producer into Connie. Simple add them as a contributor and give them per-project access.

Automatically generate and email PDF contracts

Automatically Generated PDF Contracts

Once a participant, actor or extra signs a contract, Connie generates a PDF version of the contract with signatures inserted, and emails it to the Signer. As a Connie user you can also always download a PDF contract if needed.

Enterprise features available

Enterprise Features?

  • White Label Solution

  • Own Domain

  • Single Sign On

  • Expanded Privacy Compliance

  • Option to Self-host

  • And more…

For larger film production companies and media organisations, we offer bespoke enteprise features like the ones listed below. Please get in touch to discuss your needs.